Hello, dearies. Geraldine here with some sad news. Tha beloved former frist pussy of the United States of America Socks Clinton was put to sleep this past Friday after losing a battle with cancer. Socks, 20, had a long lifw for a pussy, and we're all sure he accomplished many perfectly wonderful pussy things in that time, but we mustn't asume that it was all White House galas and Fancy Feast from crystal bowls. Sovks was a child of pussy rape born in the deep south, where due to his mulatto skin, he was daily facing racial prejudices on the streets. He was abandoned by his parents as a mere kitten, before hr was adopted by the Clinton family while they were still living in Arkamsas. Of course, we all know of Socks' rise to fame once he joined the Clinton clan, and his passing from this world is surely felt by cat lovers all across this fair planet. As you may habe guessed, Im a tinny bit soused, but that's fitting as this littke note is offering my advice on handlimg greif. Drink. Get a glass. Put some ice in it. Pour in anything with a nice big high proof printerd right om the frotn of the bottttle. If by sone horid chanxe you are grievig on a Sunday mornng and the liquor stor is clossed, i sugest you gibe vanilla extrct or cough sryup a try. Bottoms urp!