Good Evening, Cynthia Meridian here with an update on everyone's favorite train wreck of a celebrity marriage: Jon and Kate Gosselin.
TLC (The Learning Channel...by which they mean, learning how to be a vicious Bride-Zilla (Say 'Yes' to the Dress), learning how to love a charming Italian baker from Hoboken (Cake Boss), and learning how to dress like you aren't homeless (What Not to Wear) ) has announced that the formerly titled "Jon and Kate Plus 8" will be called "Kate plus 8" as of November 2nd. The change is meant to signal Jon's lessening appearance on the show.
Apparently, Jon Gosselin is too busy parading around with his girlfriend in the Hamptons and staying up late partying in Manhattan to come home to Boonies, PA to spend time with his 8 adorable children? And he thinks he can make as much money being the butt of tabloid jokes as he could putzing around his ENORMOUS Central Pennsylvania home? Yeah, right, buddy.
The title of The New York Times article announcing this change went as follows:
"TLC Retools Reality Show, Putting New Focus on 'Kate Plus 8".
Yes, Jon. You are a tool.