Hello, dearies. If you're anything like me or any of my Irish kin, you're a cheap bastard who doesn't like to pay for anything that has been fermented. Well, if that's the case, then have I got

good news for you! You've probably been holding out for ages on purchasing any sort of word processing software, huh? You've probably been uses freeware online for ages now to type up report or create your resume. You probably have a hell of a time emailing files in useful or common formats to other people who aren't such cheapskates. Fret no more, my thrifty friends. Microsoft, that money guzzling company that wouldn't fart in your face without first making you pay, has announced today that they're going to be joining the ranks of Google, Openoffice, Zoho, and oh so many more companies that got on the freeware wagon back when it was still the cool thing to do (in 2003 or so) by releasing a free online version of Microsoft Office 2010. Not only that, but they've stopped being such biggots and have made sure that this new software will be compatible with Safari and Firefox as well as their old-fashioned Internet Explorer browser.
I suppose this is pretty standard Microsoft procedure. You know? Doing something every single other company has done before you and better than you. Is Bill Gates Irish, too?
Geraldine Hairpiece
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