Good Evening, this is Cynthia Meridian reporting on the popularization of the "Nakation" during these troubled economic times.
Yes, it's true. Nudist vacationing is on the rise.
Nakationing has increased in frequency since the recession hit. Since people go on vacation to relax, it only makes sense that Americans would want to cast aside anything and everything that reminds them of their working life-and of course, that includes clothes! What better way to free yourself?
And! On the plus side, since you won't be wearing any clothes while you're Nakationing, you won't need to worry about spending a lot of money on that new swimsuit or sexy new evening gown for the Captain's Ball out on the top deck of the ship. Just don't forget to bring a hat. And your sunblock!
This Cynthia Meridian, wishing you all a pleasant view on your next Nakation.
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