Madame Enzo here everybody! Good news for me! In these uncertain economic times, psychic consultations have increased ten-fold! And why not? It is high time talented clairvoyants, like yours truly, get the attention we deserve. Not sure where your next paycheck is coming from? Wondering exactly how soon you'll be kicked out of your house? Wishing you could know what to get your loved one that is both cheap, but won't break the second you get it home? Consult your friendly neighborhood psychic! But you'll probably want to bring your own tarot cards. Most psychics have worn theirs out and you may get a discount on the overall price! I also think it goes without saying that if you've made an appointment with me, please bring the highest tar cigarette you can find.
Also: Those born under the sign of Aries, it's your month to shine. But keep it in your pants. No one wants to see that.
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