According to a new Audit Commission report, schools in the UK are wasting nearly £1bn of public funding a year by hoarding it in bank accounts, and failing to shop around for the best deals on contracts and services. Now, my old headmaster was a thrifty soul, but at least he had the pupils' best interests at heart. I think nowadays too many folks 'drift' into teaching because it seems like an easy option, with better pension benefits (aha-ha), long summer holidays, and the opportunity to watch films and go to theme parks as the term draws to a close. This has led to a dire shortage of teachers who actually want to help youngsters grow, and a dirth of upper-management types who really couldn't give a shit if the school is well-run or not, as long as they can retire at 50 and move to Spain.
I say find the people who want to teach, make it an attractive proposition for them, and stop farming out educational services to private corporations whose sole aim is to be profitable. One company, who shall remain nameless, has made a real hash of providing services to education authorities around the country and is prepared to 'hand back' the contracts to the council. This company also runs several RAF bases around the country, and Group 4, a security firm renowned for losing prisoners in transit. Mr Brown, were they really the best choice to be looking after our children's interests? Really? Hmm?
I think I may have lost the thread on this blog. Nevermind... What-ho!
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