Good Afternoon, Dr. Jogia here with a staggering new health report.
Lard, the totally natural fat found in animals, is now being touted as a health conscious ingredient to cooking. Indeed, we all know that eating anything that contains trans-fats is like signing your own death certificate. Well, what do you think shortening and processed butter is packed full of? That's right, no-good-for-you trans fats.
But lard on the other hand, being completely natural, is just fine for your arteries, blood pressure, and heart disease. Not to mention, cooking with lard makes everything taste better: your pastries will be fluffier and your tortillas will be crispier. No doubt, our chef Jacques would agree with me. Now, this is not to suggest that when you're feeling sad you should eat lard by the spoonful. Ben and Jerry's "Chunk Monkey" is still appropriate for such an occasion. But rather, make lard a part of your everyday cooking routine.
So forget that your friends used to ever call you "lardass" and next time you're at the market, make sure you pick up a tub of fresh lard to fry those pancakes and bacon up in.
This Dr. Jogia wishing you a healthy and happy Wednesday.
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