Well hello! Nelson Ramsbottom here, enjoying what can only be described as typically English weather here on Meridian Island. It reminds me of the time when a female friend of mine got wet through. But that's a story for another time....
Baltimore teenager Brooke Greenberg is the size of an infant, and has the mental capacity of a toddler, but she is flummoxing doctors with her lack of chromosomal abnormality or genetic syndrome. The wee bairn turned 16 in January. That's right - 16 years of age! One doctor at the University of South Florida suggests that Brooke's body is developing out of sync wth itself, rather than as a coordinated unit, even thought she has not been diagnosed with any medical syndrome that mght help explain why.
One part of Brooke that clearly is developing along the same lines as her peers is her penchant for consumerism. "She loves to shop", says her mother Melanie. "Just like a woman".
Which just goes to show that the female tendency to shop unnecessarily is a genetic disfunction inherent in all females, which supersedes all and any laws of nature.
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