Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to your regularly scheduled programming

Hello, my pets! Geraline Hairpiece here.

You've probably noticed that we've taken a bit of a hiatus for the month. Even news mavens such as we here at Meridian 13 News need a summer vacation!

Anyway, I thought I'd catch you up on all the important news you've missed.

  • Abdelbeset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi, the infamous Lockerbie bomber who bombed Pan Am flight 103 in 1988, causing the deaths of 270 people, was released from prison and returned home to his native Libya. He was released on "compassionate" grounds so that he can live out the end of his bout with terminal prostate cancer at home. It is estimated he has less than three months to live. Long story short, some people are quite pissed.
  • Americans act retarded in general at a series of Town Hall meetings where they are supposed to be intelligently discussing the pros and cons of a universal healthcare policy the Obama administration wishes to adopt.
  • Michael Vick, animal lover extrordinaire, is now playing American football with the Eagles. I think they're a band.
  • A fifth-rate reality television contestant murdered a model and then was found dead in Canada. No one really cares.
  • A woman in Malaysia is to be caned for drinking beer in public. Geraldine Hairpiece cancels Malaysian vacation plans.

We'll offer up more of our takes on global news. It's good to be back in the saddle. I also hope you're all getting excited for our September podcast which we haven't started writing!


Geraldine Hairpiece