Good Morning! Nelson Ramsbottom here. Well, we have had a fine day of sunshine again today here on Meridian Island. It's so hot old Jacques has been out in shorts, which is a rare sight, and quite frankly not one I'd like to see repeated too often. Now Cynthia on the other hand, well... But that's a story for another post I suppose.
Off we pop over to Belgrade, where there's been some strange happenings afoot in State-owned textile company Raska Holding. Now, this company was a major textile producer in the 1980's, employing over 4, 000, and possibly creating garments worn by the likes of Duran Duran and Debbie Gibson. But since the collapse of the former Yugoslavia, and the ensuing wars and whatnot, the workforce has been whittled down to a measly 100. Some of these poor blighters haven't been paid for years, and this is where the trouble has flared up. Zoran Bulatovic wanted to show his employers just how desperate he and his fellow workers are: many cannot afford real food, so Zoran took it upon himself to demonstrate alternative food sources by sawing off most of his left hand little finger, and eating it. That's right. Eating it. As if sawing the little fellow off wasn't enough of a demonstration....
Further planned self-mutilations by the workers have been postponed until after talks with government officials. Jolly right too, I say! Now, where did I put my cocktail sausages?....
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