I say! Nelson Ramsbottom here on this jolly May evening on Meridian Island. I remember once learning to dance round a Maypole at this time of year, as part of an olde English tradition, and getting all tied up in the ribbons. The Morris Dancers I was with were not in the least bit nice. But that's a story for another day...
Anyway, Gordon Brown is attempting once more to revive his flagging popularity with the citizens of Blighty by announcing that all claims for expenses made by MP's over the last four years are to be investigated by an independent committee. Now, it's common knowledge that anyone working at Westminster does there darndest to fiddle as much money from the taxpayer as possible, whether it's profiting from the sale of a second home that has already been subsidised by taxpayers money, or accepting 'gifts' from other politicians of the world without saying a jot about it. What on earth has possessed the leaders of all three major political parties to start scrutinising their own I'll never know, but now old Brown eyes has got involved it's all become very official.
While some say the days of claiming multitude expenses is over, I ask, why were those days allowed in the first place? MP's get a hefty salary, plus the connections to ensure they'll never be short of a job should they lose favour with their constituents. Why did they ever need to claim expenses, and when did it get so out of hand that one MP was able to claim £10, 000 (about $6million NZ) for a designer makeover of his London home? I say it's about time the British people reviewed just how much these nonces are costing them!
On that note I have to go and do some consultancy work for David Cameron. He's paying cash.
Good night!
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