Someone once said "You can't do all the good in the world, but the world needs all the good you can do." I think they were speaking specifically to Madonna. This 50-year-old pop diva, who for some reason now speaks with a British accent, has decided that all the good she can do is fight for adopting trendy African children. In fact, despite having legal troubles with the country of Malawi and the supposed father of the little girl she hopes to adopt, Madonna is charging in with her eerily toned arms a-flailing to take her little Malawian girl home. Well, I think it's lovely that this multi-millionaire has decided that once the red tape goes up she will continue to fight to adopt this specific little girl who already has a parent looking after her instead of, I don't know, looking for a parent-less child from anywhere else in the world (why would you want a baby that wasn't African though?). Eye of the Child, a child services organization out of Malawi, has suggested that perhaps Madonna should stop looking for toddler arm candy and use some of her money to help multiple children currently living in Malawi by donating to child aid organizations or setting up a school. Madonna though, has determined that she indeed can't do all the good in the world, but that the world does need all the good she can do, and that good which she can do is clearly limited.
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