Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cold Case Heats Up

Get this. It's 1957. A woman on Long Island goes takes her two tiny kids into town with her while she runs some errands. She leaves the stroller outside of a bakery while she goes in to get some bread, if you know what I mean. Woman comes back. Her two year old son is gone. They never find the kid, but now, 2009, some man in Michigan (I hope he doesn't do that point to the hand thing) is saying he's the missing two year old. Holy shit. Now I know a lot of people are probably thinking this guy is full of it. I mean, how would he know that he was the kidnapped kid? How would he remember something from that long ago? But I have a very distinct memory from when I was four months old. It's one of the clearest memories I have, and I will never ever forget taking that bath with my cousin Melinda. Oh, Melinda. Anyway, my favorite part of this whole story? The detective in charge of all the investigations on the Long Island end of things is named Kevin Smith!

Jimmy out!

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