Thursday, November 5, 2009

R u up 4 2gether time?

Hello, dearies.

Geraldine Hairpiece here with a bit of advice on how to have a social life. First of all, have a social life. Know people in person. Step away from the keyboard, the cell phone, the Blackberry. Look at a person, not an avatar or what have you, in the face and say something using real words and sentences. It's the first step.

It's been argued that Americans are more isolated and less social than they used to be. It's been suggested that technologies such as cell phones and the internet. A recent study suggests that people who frequently use cellular phones and social networking websites do not prevent people from getting out and meeting new people or spending time in social settings such as cafes or parks. However, due to the distance spanning abilities of these social networking websites and the mobility provided by cellular phones, people's social circles are now just more spread out. Your friends are people who live across the city or the state or the country or the world from you, not just your neighbors. In fact, people who use social networking sites such as Facebook are thought to be 30% less likely to know their neighbors.

I suppose there's nothing wrong with not knowing your neighbors, but I'll be fucked if those "friends" over the internet will be there to pour you some scotch when you run out. Know your neighbors, dearies! They're the owners of the liquor cabinets closest to you!

Geraldine Hairpiece

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